All the animations are done and working until Stage 4. Blaze and Cream animations was added and fixed for the whole Stage 4.

New Gallery and Boss Gallery Mode is introduced, fixing some errors and gave the cursor more movement speed around the screen. Added a rise attack on Werehog Sonic to prevent spamming hits on him while he wake up from the floor. Fixed Abyss exploit that was making him unable to catch the players when they are in the side of the screen. (a little secret we also added an experimental version with new animations.). Fixed the combat order of enemies apperance in the River of Lava Zone before the Zeena fight, now is less chaotic. Project X: Love Potion Disaster community The Game Archives A topic by The Zeta Team created Views: 10,109 Replies: 2 Viewing posts 1 to 3 The Zeta Team Developer 1 year ago We have a website dedicated to the game's different versions. Fixed a bug in the River of Lava Zone that made the game got stuck and unable to finish the Stage. The timer to finish the Stages is now deactivated for all of them. Cheat Mode can be enabled in Main Options Menu. Cheat options are Infinite Credits, Infinite Lives, Infinite Health and Energy. Infinite Health and Energy Cheat makes the game to get stucked if you fall in any hole, forcing you to restart the game, this is an engine problem and cannot be fixed, use it at your own risk. is there anywhere I can get love potion disaster without having to worry about viruses and malware. STEAM GROUP Project X: Love Potion Disaster Group (18+) PXLPD. Added better detailed sprites for the life bar and other minor stuff to improve the graphic appearel of the game. Project X: Love Potion Disaster Group (18+) PXLPD. The bulk of your edits were repeatedly undoing vandalism - while this was helpful, its not enough for an adoption.